Monthly Archive: January 2012

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How to Build a Koi Fish Pond

The first step for building a Koi fish pond is planning. You have a few decisions to make about size. With proper filtration and aeration, a 2000 gallon pond can support as many as 20 full grown Koi. If you want less, you can build a smaller pond, but you might want to think about the future. Koi do not breed as quickly or as easily as goldfish but they do breed.Expanding a pond is not cost effective. You would end up spending more than you would if you built a whole new one. So...

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Liquid Liner Should Be A Basic For Any Pond Repair Kit

Pond repair kits are a necessity for any pond owner.  In order to address the natural wear and tear that results in rips, cracks and holes in pond liners, a handy tool kit can be a lifesaver.  But what you keep in that kit can make all the difference and no smart owner should be without some PondPro.  It also has a 25 year history of success and backed by a 5 year warranty. Traditional tools for pond repair can include tape, adhesive and rollers for patching together and smoothing over seams and cracks.  But...

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Build Your Pond To Last With A Liquid Liner

Build a pond without providing proper sealing and you’ll probably be watching your money getting washed down the drain.  Cracks, holes and leaks can be a persistent and costly problem so heading them off before they start in the construction process is a very good idea.  That means paying particular attention to lining your pond so that it can stand up to wear and tear properly. Any number of factors can cause the surface of a pond to deteriorate or break and lining it adequately is your first line of defense against them.  Sunlight can...

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Make Pond Repair A Snap With PondPro

Pond repair can be labor intensive, costly and frustrating.  If you’ve ever experienced that sinking feeling when you realize that the water level in your pond is steadily decreasing, you know what a hassle repairing leaks can be.  For most pond owners, it brings up visions of buying a liner and hoping it will fit and will provide the coverage you need and perhaps repeating the process more than once. It’s not the most pleasant experience and it has left many a pond owner shaking his head and wishing there were a better way to...

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How to Repair Your Pond Liner

If your pond liner is composed of EPDM, it can be torn by sharp objects and start to leak.  When that happens, many people think they will need to replace the whole liner, which is sometimes quite expensive.  There is another alternative. Repairing a liner is possible in most cases with a liquid EPDM material.  EPDM is a kind of synthetic rubber.  It is liquid until a catalyst is added that causes it to harden. The synthetic rubber liners are considered the most durable.  They are water and heat resistant.  It is resistant to the...